Why Ray Reggie Makes Time for the JTRA Food Bank!

Home » Why Ray Reggie Makes Time for the JTRA Food Bank!

My name is Lisa and I am a guest columnist here at Ray Reggie’s Feed the Needy of New Orleans for this post.  Mr. Reggie is a friend of mine and one of the things that strikes me every time that I speak with him is that one of the things that is always at the forefront of his mind is the JTRA food bank in New Orleans that he is the Chairman of the Board for.  In fact, I tease him about how devoted he is to it.  He speaks of it every time, always trying to find ways to do more for the food bank and make sure that they have enough food for all the needy people in New Orleans.  New Orleans is his home and it and it’s people are his heart.  He sent me an email recently pointing out an article to me, which you can read here, that explains that a horrifying 3.5 million American children under the age of five are going hungry.  On top of that, Lousiana has the highest rate of hungry children.  Being a mother of four, I hung my head in shame for ever teasing him about the work he does with JTRA and I will thank God every day for people like Ray Reggie that keep the food banks going so that if I ever find myself in an unexpected situation and I need that food bank to feed my children, I know that they will be there for me.

So, I would just like to say, to Ray Reggie and all the others that devote their time and labor and money to America’s food banks and shelters, I thank you!


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